Thursday, May 5, 2011

BodyAttack 73 Sizzler

This action-packed release will set your hearts racing and drive you to a new level of athletic fitness.

Only Girl In The World helps you relax and have fun during the Warmup, and that light-hearted mood carries into the first real working track as you bust out the Dirtee Disco moves for Mixed Impact.

As the momentum builds, don’t forget to take options if you need them.

Aerobics training encourages you to Raise Your Glass as you raise your heart rate, but you’ll have to really Shake It as Plyometric Lunges send you to your highest peak yet during sport training in Track 4.

Then, hit the deck and give us some Pushups, mixed up with a Crab Crawl and Plank & Pointer that will severely test your upper body strength. Again, don’t forget those options ... just don’t bail out!

Enjoy the chance to run with your team – round and round, corner to corner ... wherever the music takes you.

Track 7 trains you to win on the court, testing your agility through a variety of diagonal, lateral and backward running drills, the Lunge & Catch, and foot speed through the Ladder Run. Stay sharp, stay focused.

You “dance on” through interval training, but Are You Ready For This ... High Knee Running and Jumping Jacks develop the power, then Squats and Lunges condition your lower body while taking you Higher.

Take it to the floor to work on your core and before you know it, you’re lying in a pool of sweat ... a sure sign you’ve completed another intense workout that provides you with everything you need to achieve on the sports field.

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