Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Preview 1: BodyAttack 72

Some of the silence of late in my blogging schedule has to due with the fact that BodyAttack 72 is now in my hot little hands. I've watched the release twice now and, while I'm still ironing out whether or not it is ok to mention choreography yet (since this release hasn't been launched as of this writing) I do want to offer a few initial reactions and sneak peaks:
  1. Lisa was 8 1/2 months pregnant when this was filmed. She does the entire class LOW IMPACT and shows that you can still get a great workout regardless of fitness level OR pregnancy level! She was so inspirational. There's also lots of great information for us instructors to pass forward about how to do Attack safely while pregnant.
  2. There's innovation pretty much throughout the entire release. The warm-up and track 2 both have some really fun modifications of standard moves, track 3 is sans-Superman. The running track now has options for running in place if you're in a small room as opposed to running in a circle, which I might actually implement more for variety than for anything else. Agility has some newer moves that have been brought back, and Track 10 has some new moves as well... I don't remember the 2nd cardio block as well (I watched it before bed) so I'll make more comments in the review.
  3. My first impression of the music is that I don't like it as well as BA71, but that's usually the case when I first get the releases. They grow on me over time.

It looks to be a fun quarter with some new stuff to figure out!

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